Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Zeina Azmeh

Reviewer for the 9th international conference on Concept Lattices and their Applications (CLA 2012), and Program Committee member of the 3rd international conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2013).

Michel Buffa Program Committee member of WWW Demo track, WWW Workshop on Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces (SWCS).

Elena Cabrio

Program Committee member of the 1st Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2012), and of Semantic Relations-II. Enhancing Resources and Applications workshop, at LREC 2012 (Language Resources and Evaluation Conference). Moreover, she was part of the Evaluation Committee assigning the Best PhD Dissertation Award of ATALA 2012 (French computational linguistics member association).

Olivier Corby

Program committee member of EKAW, IC, CNRIA, IIIS, CWC ECAI Workshop, IJMSO, More-BI, SOS DLWD, WWW demo track.

With Catherine Faron-Zucker and Johan Montagnat (I3S, Modalis), organization of a three days workshop for the CrEDIBLE Mastodons CNRS Research Program (15 to 17 october) (https://credible.i3s.unice.fr/doku.php?id=atelier_15-17_octobre ).

He is member of W3C SPARQL 1.1 WG.

Catherine Faron-Zucker

Reviewer, Program Committee member of:

IJHCS, KEOD, AKDM, Special Track on Peer Reviewing (PR) of the Int. Conf. on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM), KSE, IC, EGC Maghreb, JEESI, CNRIA.

Reviewer for ANR, Crédit Impôt Recherche DRRT Ile-de-France, "Bonus Qualité Recherche" (BQR) for scientific council of university Paris 13.

Fabien Gandon


Journals: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management, Semantic Web Journal special issue on Linked Datasets Descriptions.

Conferences: AINA, EGC, ESWC, FutureTech, Hypertext, IC, ISWC, RFIA, SAC, SemWeb.Pro, TOTh, WebS, WebScience, WI.

He was general co-chair of WWW at Lyon.



Alain Giboin

Member of the program committee of COOP, DeViNT, IC, I-SEMANTICS.

Reviewer for the International Journal of Human-Machine Studies.

Reviewer for the ANR CONTINT program.

Member of the the steering committee of the COOP conference series (International Conferences on the Design of Cooperative Systems).

Co-organizer – with Pascal Salembier (Université de Technologie de Troyes, France), Carla Simone (Universita Milano Bicocca, Italy), and Cyril Bossard (UFR STAPS de Brest, France) – of the Workshop Do We Really Need to Share to Cooperate?, in conjunction with COOP’2012, The 10th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems, Marseille, France, May 29th.

Nhan Le Thanh

Program committee member of the 2nd International Conference on Model & Data Engineering (MEDI’2012) and the 4th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE 2012).

Isabelle Mirbel

Member of the editorial board of the journal Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information (Hermès).

Co editor of a special issue of the International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IGI Global) Volume 4, 2012.

PC member 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE 2012).

PC member for the workshop Ontologies et Jeux de Données pour évaluer le web sémantique (OJD) in conjonction with 23ièmes journées francophones d'ingénierie des connaissances.

Reviewer for the Requirements Engineering Journal (Springer).

Reviewer for ODBase 2012.

PC member Doctoral Consortium of INFORSID 2012.

Co-chair of the doctoral consortium of 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering.

Andrea Tettamanzi

Program co-chair of the “EvoFin” track of the EvoApplications 2013 conference and as the chair of EvoTransfer, a technology-transfer event, now in its 2nd edition, in the framework of Evo* 2013. Referee for the Information Sciences journal, the Computational Intelligence journal, and the Journal of Data Semantics. Program committee member of the IAT 2012 and PPSN 2012 conferences.

Serena Villata

Co-organizer and co-chair of the first workshop on "Artificial intelligence meets the Web of Data (AImWD)" which was co-located with the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2012).

Program committee member of international journals, conferences and workshops in computer science. In particular, among others: Journal of Logic and Computation, Synthese, Journal of Approximate Reasoning, AAMAS-2012, AImWD-2012.

She is part of the W3C Working Group on the Linked Data Platform which has the aim to develop the specifications for HTTP interaction with Linked Data.